REv. David Jahnke
phone 650-535-2251
Pastor David grew up in Minnesota and was raised and confirmed in the United Church of Christ. He attended Gustavus Adolphus College where he majored in Religion. He is married to Hailey and they have two sons in college.
David was an English teacher in Korea for four years between 1995 and 2000. He then attended Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and worked as a Youth Pastor at the Austin Korean Presbyterian Church in TX. After graduating, he was called as an Associate Pastor by First Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi, TX, until 2007 when he became the Head of Staff at Fanwood Presbyterian Church in NJ.
David is very excited about God’s call to Trinity Presbyterian Church. Vocation-wise, he loves preaching, teaching, worship leadership, fellowship and getting out of the office to visit and pray with members. Beyond that, he enjoys biking, hiking, golf, tennis, pickleball, music, movies, books and board games. He plans to focus his first year at Trinity Presbyterian on witnessing to, encouraging and drawing in Generations X, Y and Z who have been, according to national surveys, falling more and more away from faith with every passing decade.
Interim Family Ministry Coordinator
Co-Facilities Manager's - Bob Boynton and Carolyn Boynton
phone: Bob 650-251-4240
phone: Carolyn 650-251-4978
Trinity Presbyterian Preschool
Preschool Director - Jenny Waddell
phone: 650-593-0770
Preschool Program Manager - Sue Thompson
phone: 650-593-0770
More information about Trinity Presbyterian Preschool here
Accompanist/Organist - Open position
Audio Technician - Evan Sutterfield
Livestream Student Interns - Cooper Gerhardt, Kai Hwang, Fei Hwang, Adrianna Pare, Anthony Pare
Livestream Technical Director Volunteer - Cliff Kemper
Music Ministries Director - Open position
Worship Media Director Volunteer - Leslie Rose
Session & Deacons
Trinity is governed by the Session. The Session is made up of elected Ruling Elders and Trinity's Pastors. The Session meets once a month. For a list of the current elders visit their page here
Trinity's Deacons focus on our ministry of compassion. To learn more about the Deacons visit their page here
Ministry Teams & Sub-Groups leaders
More updates soon...
- Campus Care and Hospitality - Carolyn & Bob Boynton
- Finance - Glen Nissen
- Personnel - Deborah Kemper
Congregational Life:- Worship - Grace Schulz
- Connections - Jodie Gerhardt
- Leadership and Nominating - Astrid Block
Discipleship and Christian Formation:- Family Ministry -
- Adult Education -
- Intergenerational Ministry -
- Small group Ministry - Jerry Richey & Denise Morones
- Stewardship -
Community Engagement:- Neighborhood Outreach -
- Preschool - Alicia Ledwith
- Racial Justice Advocacy Group (RJAG) - Sabine Won
Missions and Service:- Change a Life Ministry (CALM) - Margene Janzen
- Community Outreach (COMT) - Cathy Lehr
- Global Outreach (GOMT) - Kathy Kyne
If you are interested in learning more about Ministry Teams and Sub-Groups and what they do and when they meet, contact the church office to connect with a Ministry Leader.