Global Missions
We at Trinity have always held Global Missions close to our hearts. We have relationships with six international mission organizations: World Vision, Village Enterprise, GAIA (Malawi), Mission Aviation Fellowship, Amor Ministries, and Mark Stoscher’s ministries in Albania.
The Lord tells us in Matthew 25 “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, and I was sick, and you looked after me.” These words help guide the Global Outreach Mission Team (GOMT) as we collaborate with the missions Trinity supports and manage our financial gifts to them.
If you are interested in helping the team do the Lord's work on a global level, the Global Outreach Ministry Team would love to have you join them. They meet the first Monday of each month at Trinity from 7:30-8:30 pm. Kathy Kyne is the team leader so feel free to reach out to her at
Mission Statement of GOMT: We nurture a passion for sharing the love of Christ by being the hands and feet of Jesus; we seek to inspire all ages in our congregation to fulfill Christ's calling to serve people throughout the world. To fulfill this purpose, the Global Outreach Ministry team uses prayerful discernment to:
• Select and support global missions partners who align with Trinity's mission, core values and spiritual goals.
• Serve as a liaison between the Trinity congregation and our global mission partners.
• Steward Trinity's resources for global missions to do what the Lord requires of us: "To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
Global Mission Organizations Trinity Supports:
Torchbearers/Stoscher Ministries in Erseke, Albania
Mark Stoscher grew up at Trinity and his ministries are close to our hearts. He and his wife, Melanie, run the Torchbearer Bible school, Crossroads Summer Camp, Erseke Evangelical Church, Foleza after school program, as well as raise ten local children in their own home who are unable to live with their own parents. Each summer, nearly 2000 Albanian children come from all over the country to the lively evangelical camping program and throughout the school year, an additional 30 children and youth, (most of whom have special needs) are tutored by young people and teachers from the Bible School and the evangelical church.
Village Enterprise
Founded by Trinity members Brian Lehnen and Joan Hestenes in 1987, Village Enterprise continues to be part of the Trinity family. Using a community-based and locally led approach, the Village Enterprise poverty graduation program helps first-time entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa move beyond extreme poverty by equipping them with the resources, knowledge, and leadership skills to start sustainable, long-lasting businesses and savings groups. Their model empowers our entrepreneurs to build resilience and shape better futures for themselves and their families.
Amor Ministries
Trinity has partnered with Amor Ministries for many decades to send groups of high school student and adult advisors on annual high school spring break mission trips. The mission trip is partly funded by our huge annual Garage Sale fundraiser. Our high school students and adults report that the work
they do and relationships they build are transformational and shows them how God is at work in their lives and the lives of others.
World Vision
World Vision partners with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. They work in over one hundred countries and impact the lives of 3.5M children. Examples of their work are small business grants and educational opportunities for children. Child Sponsorships are a key to World Vision’s funding. Trinity hosts sponsorship enrollment events periodically. We estimate that 30-40 individuals or families from Trinity’s congregation sponsor one or more children through World Vision.
GAIA (Global Aids Interfaith Alliance)
As Trinity’s only healthcare mission partner, GAIA provides community based mobile healthcare services, a Nursing Scholars program, and several other community health programs in Malawi. GAIA’s mobile clinics are a nimble and cost-effective approach to filling gaps in coverage, and their Registered Nurse Training Program addresses the dire shortage of nurses in Malawi. In GAIA’s 20-year history, GAIA mobile outreach clinics made over two million visits to rural residents, resulting in a measurable decline in the incidence of HIV and Malaria deaths.
MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship)
Mission Aviation Fellowship is a Christian organization that Trinty has supported for well over twenty years. They provide aviation and technology services to people that are cut off from the outside world, with little to no access to health care, education, supplies, and the hope of the gospel. Their airplanes are the only way many people living in remote jungles, deserts, and mountains have access to life-giving necessities and the love of Christ. From the jungles of Africa to the rivers of Borneo, MAF transports doctors, aid workers, the sick and injured, and missionaries called to take God’s love to their own people.