Scroll down to see the full list of upcoming events

  • Hiking and Lunch

    Monthly on the 3rd Saturday

    Join Pastor David for a hike and lunch (bring a brown bag lunch) every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:30am - 12:30pm. Details provided in the weekly email blast as the date nears or reach out to Pastor David

  • Board Games and Pizza

    Monthly on the 4th Saturday

    Join us for board (card) game night and pizza in Fellowship Hall from 4-9pm. Details provided in the weekly email blast as the date nears or reach out to Pastor David.

  • Spanish Classes

    WEdnesday at 10am & Thursday at 7pm

    Beginner Spanish Classes on Wednesday at 10am in the Fireside Room (RSVP to Liza), and almost intermediate - intermediate on Thursday at 7pm in the Covenant Room. Contact Pastor David if have questions. 

  • 37th annual Trinity Garage Sale

    March 1 - March 2, 2025

    Come and support Trinity’s Youth Mexico Mission trip where High School students and advisors travel to Mexico with Amor Ministries to build houses for the poor.

    How can you support the Garage Sale?

    • Clean out your garage and closets and donate all your good stuff on February 23 - February 26. More information and the donation list here.

    • Volunteer your time to work during the week of set-up and the sale.

    • Spread the word to friends & family and come shop the garage sale. Information and flyer here

    Send questions to Annette at or 650-740-1265. 

  • Growing Together

    March 9, 2025

    Join us in Fellowship Hall from 5-6:30pm! Growing Together is a super family-friendly opportunity for children, as well as adults of all ages, to get to know their church family while learning a bible verse, engaging in some fun activities of your choice - games, crafts, building projects, science experiments! - followed by singing and short content time, finishing up with a simple meal shared around tables with friends.

  • Local Monthly Service Opportunities

    If your looking for more information and updates on our friends at Street Church, sign up for their email newsletter to stay up to date.

    Here are other opportunities to help!...

    Serving food at Street Church on the 3rd Monday of every month. 

    Make and serve sandwiches on the 2nd Sunday of every month with SOS (Sandwiches on Sunday). Email Debby Brown for more info.