Scroll down to see the full list and details of upcoming events

  • Escape Room

    March 30, 2025

    High School Youth (and young adults!) are invited for a fun afternoon activity on Sunday, March 30.  If we get two adults who are interested (and can attend for free), we will meet at church at 1 p.m. and go to an Escape Room together by 1:30 p.m. Youth will be ready for pick up around 2:45 p.m. The outing is $20 but don’t let cost be a barrier. Please RSVP to Pastor David by Saturday, March 22.

  • Palm/Passion Sunday

    April 13, 2025 at 10am

    We will joyfully celebrate the coming of God's King into the city of God and begin to remember his passion as well. 

  • Growing Together

    April 13, 2025

    Join us in Fellowship Hall from 5-6:30pm! Growing Together is a super family-friendly opportunity for children, as well as adults of all ages, to get to know their church family while learning a bible verse, engaging in some fun activities of your choice - games, crafts, building projects, science experiments! - followed by singing and short content time, finishing up with a simple meal shared around tables with friends.

  • Good Friday Service

    April 18, 2025, 7pm

    'Lovelight' Dramatic Presentation

    This service beautifully remembers Jesus' life, trial and death from the perspective of Mary, Jesus' mother. Readers will be reading a script based on scripture but with nicely added textures and imaginative suggestions. There are slides to accompany the story as well and beautiful solos, choral and congregational music interspersed. Thank you for your prayers. 

  • Easter Sunday Worship

    April 20, 2025 at 10am

    Joyful Celebration of the Resurrection

    There is no day like Easter. We will celebrate the resurrection with your favorite hymns and hear the good news of Jesus' rising from the grave, shocking the guards and appearing to Mary Magdelene and eventually the disciples. New Life abounds for all as we rejoice in the stone being rolled away and Jesus walking out with a new body. It just hit me that the stone only needed to be rolled away for the women since he could walk through matter at this point with his transformed and imperishable body.   

  • Spring Softball

    Begins March 30, 2025 - june 1, 2025

    Trinity has had an active San Carlos Co-Ed Softball team for 15 years. If you're a seasoned pro, or played way back in high school, or are just learning the sport... consider joining us on the field! The season runs from March 30 to June 1 and games will take place on Sundays at 6, 7 or 8 pm at Burton Park. Contact Sabine at for more info.

  • Monthly Board/card Game night

    April/May date soon

    Please join us from 4-6 p.m. if you plan to eat with us but know you can come after 6 as well. We will probably play games until 8 or 9 p.m. We will have a designated table or two for littler ones, American games you grew up with and those who prefer simpler and/or party games. Looking forward to it! Bring pizza, wings, veggies, drinks or dessert to share! And bring your kids' favorite games also! For questions contact Pastor David.

  • Hiking and Lunch

    April/May Date Soon

    Join the TPC hiking club with Pastor David for a monthly hike. This will be a moderate to hard 90-100 minute hike. All are welcome. For questions contact Pastor David

  • Spanish Classes

    WEdnesday at 10am & Thursday at 7pm

    Beginner Spanish Classes on Wednesday at 10am in the Fireside Room (RSVP to Liza), and almost intermediate - intermediate on Thursday at 7pm in the Covenant Room. Contact Pastor David if have questions. 

  • Local Monthly Service Opportunities

    If your looking for more information and updates on our friends at Street Church, sign up for their email newsletter to stay up to date.

    Here are other opportunities to help!...

    Serving food at Street Church on the 3rd Monday of every month. 

    Make and serve sandwiches on the 2nd Sunday of every month with SOS (Sandwiches on Sunday). Email Debby Brown for more info.