Alternative Gift Opportunity (AGO)

November 26, December 3, December 10

Trinity hosts its annual Alternative Gift Opportunity (AGO) event! Can’t figure out what gifts to purchase for everyone on your Christmas list? The AGO is back again this year to help you out. Give an alternative gift by making a donation, or donations, to any number of Trinity’s locally or globally supported ministries. To view the full brochure, click here or read about the participating ministries below. For each donation, you will receive a colorful, informative card to gift each recipient that explains the mission you've picked for them. 

Click here for a fillable Excel order form.

Click here for a pdf order form to print and fill out manually. 

There are 3 choices for getting your form to us:

1) Visit the AGO table in Fellowship Hall after Sunday worship. 

2) Take a picture or scan of your completed form and email it to

3) Mail it to Trinity (or drop it off in Trinity's outside mailbox located on the church patio.) It must be labeled "ATTN: AGO" and received by Dec. 10.

Two Payment Choices: 

1) Mail a check to Trinity Presbyterian Church, Attn: AGO. 1106 Alameda De Las Pulgas, San Carlos, CA  94070.

2) Credit Card Payment can be made here. A 3% non-refundable credit card service fee needs to be added to your total. 


  • The Stoschers (in albania)

    Crossroads (Mark Stoscher, Erseka, Albania) includes a flourishing church, Torchbearers Bible School, Summer Camps for nearly two thousand at-risk and disabled youth from all over Albania, the Foleza program for at-risk children in the local community, and the House of Hope residential program for ten children who live with the Stoschers. A donation to the Stoscher family will support all of these programs.


    GAIA works in impoverished Malawian villages, to provide basic health services in communities affected by HIV, AIDS, TB, and malaria. Donations to GAIA will be used toward community health programs including HIV testing and education, nursing education, and mobile health clinics. To learn more about GAIA on their website click here

  • Village Enterprise

    Village Enterprise works to end extreme poerty in rural Africa through entrepreneurship and innovation. Their one-year graduation programs provides entrepreneurs with seed money, training and ongoing mentoring. Entrepreneurs are organized into business savings groups that provide savings and build capital. Your donations will be used to support these programs. To learn more about Village Enterprise on their website click here


    In times of disaster, MAF’s large fleet of planes and helicopters transport aid workers, medical teams, missionaries, food, and supplies to some of the hardest hit and remotest areas of the world. Donations to MAF will be dedicated to where MAF needs it most. To learn more about MAF on their website click here

  • Street Life Ministries

    Five nights a week Street Life Ministries provides hot meals and hope to many who are living on the streets in Redwood City, Menlo Park, and Palo Alto. They also provide clothing, sleeping bags, and most of all, love. Street Life Ministries works to get people off the street and into rehabilitation and permanent housing. To support the unhoused, donations will be used for sleeping bags, socks, underwear, warm gloves, and healthy meals. To learn more about Street Life Ministries on their website click here

  • LUEC (Latinos unidos en cristo)

    Latinos Unidos en Cristo (LUEC) is one of Trinity’s longest-running ministry partners. This small, mostly Hispanic, church in San Mateo and their companion church, First Brazilian Presbyterian (IPB), have been hit hard by the pandemic and its subsequent economic slowdown. LUEC/ IPB supports its families with rent assistance, gas purchases, and they operate a food bank. To support those in our community who continue to struggle, donations will be used to provide financial assistance and to purchase food for LUEC’s Food Bank. 

  • St. Francis Center

    St. Francis Center is located in Redwood City. To meet the needs of the working poor in this area, St. Francis provides education to both children and adults, housing, groceries, clothing, along with other needed services. To support very low-income families, donations will be used for school supplies, educational materials, groceries, and diapers. To learn more about St. Francis Center on their website click here

  • Hope House

    For 33 years, Hope House has been helping women who suffer from substance abuse. As a residential treatment program, Hope House can serve up to 16 women. Four beds are reserved for pregnant women so their children can be born healthy and drug free. To support these at-risk women, donations will fund counseling, continuing education, on-site 12 Step meetings, job skills and parenting classes, and more, while teaching valuable skills for living healthy, clean, and sober lives. To learn more about Hope House on their website click here