Update from 11/13/2018: At the Presbytery of San Francisco meeting it was moved, seconded and carried to change Pastor Mary and Kurt's terms of call to Co-Pastor. The vote was unanimous and they are now Co-Pastors!

Update from 10/15/2018: (At the Congregational meeting on October 7, 2018, the members of Trinity voted to move forward with the co-pastor model.  Committee on Ministry (COM) also voted to move forward with the co-pastor model.

The final step is for San Francisco Presbytery to also approve this motion at the Presbytery meeting on November 13th.) 

On March 20, 2018 Trinity's Session adopted "Pastoral Relationships" as a third priority for the upcoming year.

This priority means that Trinity's Session will be formally leading the evaluation of the possibility of changing Pastor Mary and Pastor Kurt's relationships from Senior / Associate to Co-Pastors model for Trinity.