Trinity hosts a number of annual retreats, including the Women’s Retreat and the All Church Great Getaway. Nationally-known speakers and leaders lead the retreats.
All Church Great Getaway (April 26-28, 2024)
Women’s Retreat (September 27-29, 2024)Men's Retreat (October 11-13, 2024)
Small Groups
Small groups and bible studies are currently meeting hybrid, by Zoom or in person. If you have been thinking about joining a small group, now would be a great time to get started. Let us help you find a group that works for you. For information about small group meetings, contact Jerry Richey or Denise Morones.
Saturday morning men's bible study
This group meets year-round at 8:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room. The group uses the material from Small Group Sermon-Based Bible Studies during the small group seasons and other spiritually related material between seasons. For more information about the Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast Bible Study, contact Mike Garoutte at (650) 592-6158.
women's connection bible study
Open to women of all ages, this group meets at 9:30 a.m. Thursday mornings from September through May. The program includes a discussion-led Bible study followed by prayer time. The group supports several outreach programs at Trinity. Come at 9:15 a.m. for coffee and friendship. For more information, contact Pam Tenn.
Lectio Divina
Through prayerful contemplative reading of scripture from the Message translation of the Bible, this group seeks to promote communion with God and experience the scripture as his living word for our lives today. We share what God seems to be showing to us and pray for each other. We meet Tuesdays from 10:15 until noon at the church campus. Contact Margie Barkhau if you are interested.
In 2022, the Presbytery of San Francisco (PSF) posted a Statement Confronting Systemic Racism promising “to do all in our power to change ourselves, our communities, our churches, and our Presbytery to liberate ourselves from our own racism and to work towards the full expression and celebration of all peoples for their uniqueness and diversity, each made in the image of God.”
We realize that antiracism work is a life-long commitment and invite you on this journey. We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Join us as we strive to honor Jesus’ commandments in Micah 6:8!
Contact Sabine Won or Deborah Kemper for more information.
Click here to learn more about our group.
Many of the congregation at Trinity have expressed a desire to know more about Jesus Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and prayer. Trinity offers several ways to participate in a prayer ministry:
Prayer Chain. The history of prayer at Trinity begins with this team of prayer warriors, who intercede daily for requests received via the chain leaders, prayer cards in the pews, and the church office. Contact Pam Tenn for information regarding the Prayer Chain.
Sunday Prayer Stations. These stations are available once a month during the communion service for intercessory and healing prayer.
Day of Prayer. A once-a-year event, this special day provides an opportunity for people to meet in the sanctuary for a time of focused and guided prayer.