Children and FAMILY ministry

Trinity Children and Family Ministry partners

with families as we follow Jesus by:

Providing Peer Group Learning Experiences

Fostering Intergenerational Relationships

Equipping Family Faith Practices at Home


Sunday morning programming is currently limited due to Covid precautions. We are not holding Sunday morning classes, but nurturing faith and staying connected to families and children through various means including:

  • Worship KidSpace – books, thematic activity pages and manipulatives offered in the left transept of the sanctuary during worship
  • Play-n-Worship – children are periodically excused from worship for a story and relationship building at the outdoor playground
  • Moment for Children  children are invited forward during worship for a special age-appropriate message
  • Donuts on the Patio – families enjoy fellowship and donuts on the patio on the second Sunday of each month. Join us even if you don’t attend in-person worship
  • Family Picnics – monthly drop-in gatherings at a local park after worship; bring your own lunch
  • Seasonal Activities - Trunk or Treat, Advent-in-a-Bag, Journey through Lent and Holy Week


  •  Resources for families: ideas for discussion and engagement at home, parenting helps, spiritual nurturing ideas, creative or service projects.
  • Resources for children: Bible story videos, music, worship bulletins and printable material
  • Announcements about church-wide events and activity

 To subscribe, contact Kristan Verveniotis



  • Welcome Ministry is an opportunity to be the first face of Trinity. Families show up at 9:45 to greet folks as they arrive and pass out the order of worship. 
  • Acolyte (candle lighting) Ministry involves children ages 3rd-8th grade as special participants in the morning worship. After arriving at 9:50, the acolytes process down the center aisle to light the candles at the front of the sanctuary, then extinguish them at the end. 
  • Children's Music groups add special music to our worship services on a seasonal basis.


Trinity values our children and believe its important to integrate all ages into worship and the life of our faith community. You will find this Worshiping with Children card in our pews with suggestions for parents and congregation as the generations worship together.

For MorE Info

Dear Parents and Families,

Our Children's Ministry Team at Trinity is excited to get to know you and desires to connect you to our Community of Faith. It is through the Body of Christ that we come to know God's Love and come to understand what it means to Follow Jesus. Together we discover our gifts and are equipped to nurture faith in our families and share our story with others.

If you'd like to know more about Children and Family Ministry, please don't hesitate to contact me. Visit our  Calendar below. for upcoming events and programs. We also send out a weekly email update that you can receive by contacting me .

I look forward to meeting you!

Kristan Verveniotis, 

Director of Music, Worship, Children and Families


Children's Ministry Calendar